


硫化工艺是橡胶密封圈生产中的重要工艺之一,温度和时间是该工艺的主要控制条件。 橡胶是一种热导体,特别是用于厚产品。

What is the processing process for the T-shaped anti slip and anti release rubber ring? 1、 Vulcanization process
The vulcanization process is one of the important processes in the production of rubber sealing rings, and temperature and time are the main control conditions for this process.
Rubber is a thermal conductor, especially for thick products. During the molding and heating process, the temperature is always transferred from the outer layer (mold) and inner layer (core rod) to the central layer after a certain period of time, and there are obvious temperature gradients in different parts of the product due to different distances from the heat source. Therefore, the vulcanization process is actually an uneven Isothermal process with uneven temperature field distribution. In order to achieve better vulcanization under different vulcanization conditions, it is necessary to display and control the temperature distribution. Some major tire factories in China use vulcanization temperature measurement as a means of vulcanization quality control and daily monitoring and management.
2、 Mixing process
混合的质量直接关系到产品的性能。橡胶垫片混炼过程的可控参数包括时间、温度、能量、瞬时功率等因素,这些因素与混胶的质量密切相关。研究这些参数对质量控制具有重要意义。瞬时功率时间曲线,温度时间曲线,能量时间曲线,以及时间,胶料,未硫化橡胶的重量。通过这些数据找出优化的工艺,橡胶密封制品的制造企业在进行生产工艺设计时,应尽量提高制品的抗压缩变形能力、抗压缩应力松弛能力、耐老化能力等使用寿命指标的性能。同时,生产过程中卫生指标的控制也尤为重要: ① 实行卫生许可制度,而涉水橡胶密封制品企业必须取得许可批准文件方可生产和销售。② 企业应建立健全生产人员的卫生培训和各项卫生管理制度,直接从事涉水橡胶制品生产的人员应接受卫生知识培训,并定期进行健康检查,以避免传染性疾病向产品传播和转移。④ 生产过程中的卫生要求符合GB12801-2008《生产过程安全卫生要求通则》的规定。确保产品不掉落到地面或与污染源接触,并且原材料或半成品不与碎屑或灰尘混合。不应在密封圈上标记的每个密封圈或装有密封圈的袋子,应以不损害密封性能的方式清晰牢固地标记以下符号: WA (饮用水标记),生产日期,橡胶类型的缩写。



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